Building on Windows

WARNING: This is out-of-date. Your mileage may vary.

Setup the build environment

  1. Install Git
    • Choose “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt” to add it to the PATH.
    • Choose “Checkout Windows-stylem commit Unix-style line endings.”
  2. Install MinGW
    • Add the C++ compiler
    • Add the MinGW Developer Toolkit
    • Set the PATH environment variable
    • An alternative to using the MSYS and gcc from the MinGW packages is to use a combination of Git BASH and the MinGW from Qt Creator and one of its MinGW-based SDKs.
  3. Install CMake (this will be used by frei0r)
    Tell it to add itself to the PATH.
  4. Download a static build of pkg-config and put it in C:\MinGW\bin. If you need to rebuild this, another way is to cross-compile, possibly using the MXE toolkit.

Install dependencies

Many of these dependencies are optional, and there are some more that can be added, but instructions are not yet available. Only the first four FFmpeg, SDL, dlfcn-win32, and !libXML are highly recommended to make basic usage of MLT. The others depend entirely on your needs.

  • FFmpeg
    1. Install a shared dev build of FFmpeg
    2. Extract the 7z into your msys home (C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home$USERNAME)
    3. rm ~/include/stdint.h ~/include/inttypes.h
    4. mkdir -p ~/build/share/ffmpeg ~/build/lib
    5. Download a shared build of FFmpeg
    6. Extract the DLLs in the bin/ folder to your ~/build folder.
    7. Extract the contents of the “presets” folder to ~/build/share/ffmpeg.
  • SDL
    1. Download SDL-devel for mingw32 and extract it to $HOME.
    2. Open a MinGW Shell
    3. cd SDL-1.2.14
    4. make native
    5. To make this redistributable copy /usr/bin/SDL.dll to your build directory.
  • dlfcn-win32
    1. Download dlfcn-win32
    2. cd ~/src/dlfcn-win32-r19
    3. ./configure –enable-shared
    4. make all install
    5. To make this redistributable, copy /mingw/bin/libdl.dll to your build directory.
  • libXML
    1. Download a binary archive of libxml2 and libiconv and extract them (minus their top-level directory) into your msys home.
    2. Create your own libxml-2.0.pc file for pkg-config in ~/lib/pkgconfig:

      Name: libXML
      Version: 2.6.22
      Description: libXML library version 2.
      Libs: -L${libdir} -lxml2 -lz
      Cflags: -I${includedir}
    3. cd ~/lib
    4. cp libxml2.lib xml2.lib
    5. cp ~/bin/libxml2.dll ~/build
    6. cp ~/bin/iconv.dll ~/build
    7. cp ~/bin/zlib1.dll ~/build
  • GTK+
    1. Download an All-in-one bundle of GTK+
    2. Extract the archive into your msys home.
    3. cp ~/bin/*.dll ~/build
  • libsamplerate
    1. Download libsamplerate source tar archive
    2. cd ~/src
    3. tar xvzf libsamplerate-0.1.7.tar.gz
    4. cd libsamplerate-0.1.7
    5. ./configure –prefix=$HOME
    6. make all install
    7. cp ~/bin/libsamplerate-0.dll ~/build
  • Frei0r
    1. cd ~/src
    2. git clone git://
    3. cd frei0r
    4. mkdir build
    5. cd build
    6. cmake -G “MSYS Makefiles” -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME ..
      (Note the trailing two dots to refer to the parent directory.)
    7. make all install
    8. cp ../include/frei0r.h ~/include
    9. mv ~/lib/frei0r-1 ~/build/lib
  • SoX
    1. Download SoX source tar archive
    2. cd ~/src
    3. tar xvzf sox-14.3.1.tar.gz
    4. cd sox-14.3.1
    5. ./configure –prefix=$HOME –without-ffmpeg –disable-symlinks –disable-gomp –without-magic –without-png –without-ladspa
    6. make all install
    7. cp ~/bin/libsox-1.dll ~/build
  • Qt
    1. Download Qt SDK or framework libraries
    2. export QTDIR=/c/Qt/2010.04/qt
    3. cp $QTDIR/bin/QtCore4.dll ~/bin
    4. cp $QTDIR/bin/QtGui4.dll ~/bin
    5. cp $QTDIR/bin/QtSvg4.dll ~/bin
    6. cp $QTDIR/bin/QtXml4.dll ~/bin
    1. Do this only after installing GTK+ and LibXML dependencies.
    2. Download
    3. Extract the archive to get to a bin/windows directory and run the installer.
    4. Install to C:\Jack to make things easier.
    5. cd ~
    6. cp -a /c/jack/lib/* lib
    7. cp -a /c/jack/includes/* include
    8. To make this redistributable copy libjack.dll and libjackserver.dll from C:\Windows\System32 (or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 if on 64-bit) to your build directory.
    9. Make your own pkg-config file: ~/lib/pkgconfig/jack.pc:

      Name: jack
      Description: the Jack Audio Connection Kit: a low-latency synchronous callback-based media server
      Version: 1.9.6
      Libs: -L${libdir} -ljack -ljackserver
      Cflags: -I${includedir}
    10. curl > ~/include/ladspa.h
    11. Edit ~/include/jack/systemdeps.h and comment out or remove “typedef HANDLE pthread_t;” (may not exist in latest version)
    12. Download the Audacity LADSPA Plug-Ins for Windows.
    13. Extract the plugins to ~/build/lib/ladspa
  • SwfDec
    1. Do this only after installing GTK+.
    2. download liboil
    3. cd ~/src
    4. tar xvzf liboil-0.3.17.tar.gz
    5. cd liboil-0.3.17
    6. configure –prefix=$HOME
    7. make all install
    8. cd ..
    9. download swfdec
    10. tar xvzf swfdec-0.9.2.tar.gz
    11. cd swfdec-0.9.2
    12. configure –prefix=$HOME –enable-gtk=no –enable-gstreamer=no –with-audio=none
    13. make all install
    14. cp ~/bin/*.dll ~/build


  1. Open a Git Bash shell
  2. mkdir src; cd src
  3. git clone git://
  4. You can close the Git Bash shell now and return to the MinGW Shell
  5. cd ~/src/mlt
  6. enter (or add to ~/.profile and start new shell):
    export CC=gcc
    export CXX=g++
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/lib/pkgconfig
    export CFLAGS=-I$HOME/include
  7. ./configure –prefix=$HOME/build –enable-gpl –disable-decklink
  8. make all install

SWIG and Python bindings

  1. Install Python 2.x from
  2. Install swigwin from
  3. set environment variables for PYTHON_INCLUDE and PYTHON_LIB per
  4. build manually using src/swig/python/build as a guide
    • need to add “-L$PYTHON_LIB -lpython27”
    • => _mlt.pyd
  5. cp {,_mlt.pyd} ~/build


  1. Open a MinGW Shell or Command Prompt
  2. cd ~/build
  3. melt noise:


  • The process’ current directory must be the directory containing melt and dependent DLLs with lib and share subdirectories.
  • stdout and stderr are redirected to stdout.txt and stderr.txt. This is normal SDL on WIndows behavior.
  • To build the rtaudio consumer, you need to install the Microsoft !DirectX SDK. Also, you need to install the Visual C++ compiler from the Windows SDK simply to get sal.h! I recommend to just =cp “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\sal.h” “C:\Program Files\Microsoft !DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include”= instead of using the Windows SDK. When I tried to use the WIndows SDK, the compiler went into an infinite loop of errors. Then, you need to add the !DirectX SDK to your msys CFLAGS environment variable (~/.profile): =export CFLAGS=”-I$HOME/include -I"C:\Program Files\Microsoft !DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include"”=
  • One person notes: I needed to stop my virus checker from killing ~/src/sox-14.4.0/conftest.exe in the !SoX (Sound eXchange) section and from killing ~/src/libsamplerate-0.1.8/conftest.exe in the libsamplerate section.



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