title: opencvfacedetect
media types:
description: detect faces and draw shapes on them
version: 2
creator: binarymillenium, ddennedy
title: Classifier
Full path to the XML pattern model for recognition; look in /usr/share/opencv/haarcascades
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: /usr/share/opencv/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
widget: text
title: Threads
How many threads to use divided by 100; 0 uses CPU count
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0.01
widget: spinner
title: Shape
The shape to draw: 0=circle, 0.1=ellipse, 0.2=rectangle, 1=random
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0
widget: spinner
title: Recheck
How often to detect an object in number of frames, divided by 1000
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0.025
widget: spinner
title: Search scale
The search window scale factor, divided by 10
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0.12
widget: spinner
title: Neighbors
Minimum number of rectangles that makes up an object, divided by 100
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0.02
widget: spinner
title: Smallest
Minimum window size in pixels, divided by 1000
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0
widget: spinner
title: Scale
Down scale the image prior detection
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0.666667
widget: spinner
title: Stroke
Line width, divided by 100, or fill if 0
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 0
widget: spinner
title: Antialias
Draw with antialiasing
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 1
widget: checkbox
title: Alpha
The alpha channel value for the shapes
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
maximum: 1
default: 1
widget: spinner
title: Color 1
The color of the first object
type: color
readonly: no
required: no
default: #ffffff
widget: color
title: Color 2
The color of the second object
type: color
readonly: no
required: no
default: #007fff
widget: color
title: Color 3
The color of the third object
type: color
readonly: no
required: no
default: #00ffff
widget: color
title: Color 4
The color of the fourth object
type: color
readonly: no
required: no
default: #00ff00
widget: color
title: Color 5
The color of the fifth object
type: color
readonly: no
required: no
default: #ff7f00
widget: color
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