Filter: timer

Plugin Information

title: Timer
media types: Video
description: Overlay a timer onto the video. The timer can count up or down.
version: 2
copyright: Meltytech, LLC
license: LGPLv2.1



title: Format
description: The time format of the overlaid timer text.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: SS.SS
widget: combo

  • {“HH”=>”MM:SS”}
  • {“HH”=>”MM:SS.S”}
  • {“MM”=>”SS”}
  • {“MM”=>”SS.SS”}
  • {“MM”=>”SS.SSS”}
  • SS
  • SS.S
  • SS.SS
  • SS.SSS


title: Start
description: The time that the timer will start counting up or down. The text will be frozen at 00:00:00.000 from the start of the filter until the start time has elapsed. Must be in the format HH:MM:SS.SSS
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: 00:00:00.000
widget: text


title: Duration
description: The maximum elapsed duration of the timer after the start time has elapsed. The text will be frozen at the duration time after the duration has elapsed. Must be in the format HH:MM:SS.SSS
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: 00:00:10.000
widget: text


title: Offset
description: An offset to be added to the timer value. When the direction is "down", the timer will count down to "offset" instead of 00:00:00.000. When the direction is up, the timer will count up starting from "offset". Must be in the format HH:MM:SS.SSS
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: 00:00:00.000
widget: text


title: Speed
description: Clock speed multiplier. For example, speed 10.0 makes the timer tick 10 seconds for each second of playback. Scales Duration but does not affect Start or Offset. For example: start 5s, duration 30s, offset 7s and speed 10.0 will have the timer start at playback time 00:00:05.000 with value 00:00:07, count 10 seconds per second of playback and stop at playback time 00:00:08.000 with value 00:00:37.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 1.0


title: Direction
description: Whether the counter should count up from 00:00:00.000 or down from the duration time.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: up
widget: combo

  • up
  • down


title: Geometry
description: A set of X/Y coordinates by which to adjust the text.
type: rect
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0%/0%:100%x100%:100


title: Font family
description: The typeface of the font.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: Sans
widget: combo


title: Font size
description: The size in pixels of the font.
type: integer
readonly: no
required: no
default: 48
widget: spinner


title: Font style
description: The style of the font.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: normal
widget: combo

  • normal
  • italic


title: Font weight
description: The weight of the font.
type: integer
readonly: no
required: no
minimum: 100
maximum: 1000
default: 400
widget: spinner


title: Foreground color
description: A color value is a hexadecimal representation of RGB plus alpha channel as 0xrrggbbaa. Colors can also be the words: white, black, red, green, or blue. You can also use a HTML-style color values #rrggbb or #aarrggbb.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: 255
widget: color


title: Background color
description: A color value is a hexadecimal representation of RGB plus alpha channel as 0xrrggbbaa. Colors can also be the words: white, black, red, green, or blue. You can also use a HTML-style color values #rrggbb or #aarrggbb.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: 32
widget: color


title: Outline color
description: A color value is a hexadecimal representation of RGB plus alpha channel as 0xrrggbbaa. Colors can also be the words: white, black, red, green, or blue. You can also use a HTML-style color values #rrggbb or #aarrggbb.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
widget: color


title: Outline Width
description: The width of the outline in pixels.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
minimum: 0
maximum: 3
default: 0
widget: spinner


title: Padding
description: The number of pixels to pad the background rectangle beyond edges of text.
type: integer
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: spinner


title: Horizontal alignment
description: Set the horizontal alignment within the geometry rectangle.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: left
widget: combo

  • left
  • centre
  • right


title: Vertical alignment
description: Set the vertical alignment within the geometry rectangle.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: top
widget: combo

  • top
  • middle
  • bottom


title: Opacity
description: Opacity of all elements - text, outline, and background
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
minimum: 0
maximum: 1.0
default: 1.0
widget: slider



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