- BurningTV: BurningTV
- affine: Transform
- ambisonic-decoder: Ambisonic Decoder
- ambisonic-encoder: Ambisonic Encoder
- audiochannels: Convert Audio Channel Count
- audioconvert: Audio Sample Format Converter
- audiolevel: Audio Levels
- audiolevelgraph: Audio Level Visualization Filter
- audiomap: Remap Channels
- audioseam: Audio Seam
- audiospectrum: Audio Spectrum Filter
- audiowave: Audio Waveform (DEPRECATED)
- audiowaveform: Audio Waveform Filter
- autofade: Auto Fade
- avcolor_space: FFmpeg Image Converter
- avcolour_space: FFmpeg Image Converter
- avdeinterlace: Legacy FFmpeg Deinterlacer (DEPRECATED)
- avfilter.abench: abench
- avfilter.acompressor: acompressor
- avfilter.acontrast: acontrast
- avfilter.acrusher: acrusher
- avfilter.acue: acue
- avfilter.addroi: addroi
- avfilter.adeclick: adeclick
- avfilter.adeclip: adeclip
- avfilter.adecorrelate: adecorrelate
- avfilter.adelay: adelay
- avfilter.adenorm: adenorm
- avfilter.aderivative: aderivative
- avfilter.adrc: adrc
- avfilter.adynamicequalizer: adynamicequalizer
- avfilter.adynamicsmooth: adynamicsmooth
- avfilter.aecho: aecho
- avfilter.aemphasis: aemphasis
- avfilter.aeval: aeval
- avfilter.aexciter: aexciter
- avfilter.afade: afade
- avfilter.afftdn: afftdn
- avfilter.afftfilt: afftfilt
- avfilter.afreqshift: afreqshift
- avfilter.afwtdn: afwtdn
- avfilter.agate: agate
- avfilter.aintegral: aintegral
- avfilter.alatency: alatency
- avfilter.alimiter: alimiter
- avfilter.allpass: allpass
- avfilter.aloop: aloop
- avfilter.alphaextract: alphaextract
- avfilter.amplify: amplify
- avfilter.anlmdn: anlmdn
- avfilter.aphaser: aphaser
- avfilter.aphaseshift: aphaseshift
- avfilter.apsyclip: apsyclip
- avfilter.apulsator: apulsator
- avfilter.arealtime: arealtime
- avfilter.arnndn: arnndn
- avfilter.ashowinfo: ashowinfo
- avfilter.asidedata: asidedata
- avfilter.asoftclip: asoftclip
- avfilter.aspectralstats: aspectralstats
- avfilter.astats: astats
- avfilter.asubboost: asubboost
- avfilter.asubcut: asubcut
- avfilter.asupercut: asupercut
- avfilter.asuperpass: asuperpass
- avfilter.asuperstop: asuperstop
- avfilter.atadenoise: atadenoise
- avfilter.atilt: atilt
- avfilter.avgblur: avgblur
- avfilter.backgroundkey: backgroundkey
- avfilter.bandpass: bandpass
- avfilter.bandreject: bandreject
- avfilter.bass: bass
- avfilter.bbox: bbox
- avfilter.bench: bench
- avfilter.bilateral: bilateral
- avfilter.biquad: biquad
- avfilter.bitplanenoise: bitplanenoise
- avfilter.blackdetect: blackdetect
- avfilter.blackframe: blackframe
- avfilter.blockdetect: blockdetect
- avfilter.blurdetect: blurdetect
- avfilter.boxblur: boxblur
- avfilter.bwdif: bwdif
- avfilter.cas: cas
- avfilter.ccrepack: ccrepack
- avfilter.channelmap: channelmap
- avfilter.chorus: chorus
- avfilter.chromahold: chromahold
- avfilter.chromakey: chromakey
- avfilter.chromanr: chromanr
- avfilter.chromashift: chromashift
- avfilter.ciescope: ciescope
- avfilter.colorbalance: colorbalance
- avfilter.colorchannelmixer: colorchannelmixer
- avfilter.colorcontrast: colorcontrast
- avfilter.colorcorrect: colorcorrect
- avfilter.colorhold: colorhold
- avfilter.colorize: colorize
- avfilter.colorkey: colorkey
- avfilter.colorlevels: colorlevels
- avfilter.colormatrix: colormatrix
- avfilter.colorspace: colorspace
- avfilter.colortemperature: colortemperature
- avfilter.compand: compand
- avfilter.compensationdelay: compensationdelay
- avfilter.convolution: convolution
- avfilter.crop: crop
- avfilter.cropdetect: cropdetect
- avfilter.crossfeed: crossfeed
- avfilter.crystalizer: crystalizer
- avfilter.cue: cue
- avfilter.curves: curves
- avfilter.datascope: datascope
- avfilter.dblur: dblur
- avfilter.dcshift: dcshift
- avfilter.dctdnoiz: dctdnoiz
- avfilter.deband: deband
- avfilter.deblock: deblock
- avfilter.dedot: dedot
- avfilter.deesser: deesser
- avfilter.deflate: deflate
- avfilter.deflicker: deflicker
- avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi: deinterlace_vaapi
- avfilter.delogo: delogo
- avfilter.denoise_vaapi: denoise_vaapi
- avfilter.derain: derain
- avfilter.deshake: deshake
- avfilter.despill: despill
- avfilter.dialoguenhance: dialoguenhance
- avfilter.dilation: dilation
- avfilter.dnn_classify: dnn_classify
- avfilter.dnn_detect: dnn_detect
- avfilter.dnn_processing: dnn_processing
- avfilter.doubleweave: doubleweave
- avfilter.drawbox: drawbox
- avfilter.drawgraph: drawgraph
- avfilter.drawgrid: drawgrid
- avfilter.drmeter: drmeter
- avfilter.dynaudnorm: dynaudnorm
- avfilter.earwax: earwax
- avfilter.edgedetect: edgedetect
- avfilter.elbg: elbg
- avfilter.entropy: entropy
- avfilter.epx: epx
- avfilter.eq: eq
- avfilter.equalizer: equalizer
- avfilter.erosion: erosion
- avfilter.estdif: estdif
- avfilter.exposure: exposure
- avfilter.extrastereo: extrastereo
- avfilter.fade: fade
- avfilter.fftdnoiz: fftdnoiz
- avfilter.fftfilt: fftfilt
- avfilter.field: field
- avfilter.fieldhint: fieldhint
- avfilter.fieldorder: fieldorder
- avfilter.fillborders: fillborders
- avfilter.find_rect: find_rect
- avfilter.firequalizer: firequalizer
- avfilter.flanger: flanger
- avfilter.floodfill: floodfill
- avfilter.freezedetect: freezedetect
- avfilter.fspp: fspp
- avfilter.fsync: fsync
- avfilter.gblur: gblur
- avfilter.geq: geq
- avfilter.gradfun: gradfun
- avfilter.graphmonitor: graphmonitor
- avfilter.grayworld: grayworld
- avfilter.greyedge: greyedge
- avfilter.haas: haas
- avfilter.hdcd: hdcd
- avfilter.hflip: hflip
- avfilter.highpass: highpass
- avfilter.highshelf: highshelf
- avfilter.histeq: histeq
- avfilter.histogram: histogram
- avfilter.hqdn3d: hqdn3d
- avfilter.hqx: hqx
- avfilter.hsvhold: hsvhold
- avfilter.hsvkey: hsvkey
- avfilter.hue: hue
- avfilter.huesaturation: huesaturation
- avfilter.hwdownload: hwdownload
- avfilter.hwmap: hwmap
- avfilter.hwupload: hwupload
- avfilter.idet: idet
- avfilter.il: il
- avfilter.inflate: inflate
- avfilter.kerndeint: kerndeint
- avfilter.kirsch: kirsch
- avfilter.lagfun: lagfun
- avfilter.latency: latency
- avfilter.lenscorrection: lenscorrection
- avfilter.limiter: limiter
- avfilter.loop: loop
- avfilter.loudnorm: loudnorm
- avfilter.lowpass: lowpass
- avfilter.lowshelf: lowshelf
- avfilter.lumakey: lumakey
- avfilter.lut: lut
- avfilter.lut1d: lut1d
- avfilter.lut3d: lut3d
- avfilter.lutrgb: lutrgb
- avfilter.lutyuv: lutyuv
- avfilter.maskfun: maskfun
- avfilter.mcdeint: mcdeint
- avfilter.mcompand: mcompand
- avfilter.median: median
- avfilter.monochrome: monochrome
- avfilter.negate: negate
- avfilter.nlmeans: nlmeans
- avfilter.nnedi: nnedi
- avfilter.noise: noise
- avfilter.normalize: normalize
- avfilter.oscilloscope: oscilloscope
- avfilter.owdenoise: owdenoise
- avfilter.pad: pad
- avfilter.perspective: perspective
- avfilter.phase: phase
- avfilter.photosensitivity: photosensitivity
- avfilter.pixelize: pixelize
- avfilter.pixscope: pixscope
- avfilter.pp: pp
- avfilter.pp7: pp7
- avfilter.prewitt: prewitt
- avfilter.procamp_vaapi: procamp_vaapi
- avfilter.pseudocolor: pseudocolor
- avfilter.random: random
- avfilter.realtime: realtime
- avfilter.removegrain: removegrain
- avfilter.removelogo: removelogo
- avfilter.rgbashift: rgbashift
- avfilter.roberts: roberts
- avfilter.rotate: rotate
- avfilter.sab: sab
- avfilter.scale_vaapi: scale_vaapi
- avfilter.scdet: scdet
- avfilter.scharr: scharr
- avfilter.scroll: scroll
- avfilter.selectivecolor: selectivecolor
- avfilter.setrange: setrange
- avfilter.sharpness_vaapi: sharpness_vaapi
- avfilter.shear: shear
- avfilter.showinfo: showinfo
- avfilter.shuffleframes: shuffleframes
- avfilter.shufflepixels: shufflepixels
- avfilter.shuffleplanes: shuffleplanes
- avfilter.sidedata: sidedata
- avfilter.signalstats: signalstats
- avfilter.silencedetect: silencedetect
- avfilter.siti: siti
- avfilter.smartblur: smartblur
- avfilter.sobel: sobel
- avfilter.speechnorm: speechnorm
- avfilter.spp: spp
- avfilter.sr: sr
- avfilter.stereo3d: stereo3d
- avfilter.stereotools: stereotools
- avfilter.stereowiden: stereowiden
- avfilter.super2xsai: super2xsai
- avfilter.superequalizer: superequalizer
- avfilter.swaprect: swaprect
- avfilter.swapuv: swapuv
- avfilter.tblend: tblend
- avfilter.thistogram: thistogram
- avfilter.tiltandshift: tiltandshift
- avfilter.tiltshelf: tiltshelf
- avfilter.tlut2: tlut2
- avfilter.tmedian: tmedian
- avfilter.tmidequalizer: tmidequalizer
- avfilter.tmix: tmix
- avfilter.tonemap: tonemap
- avfilter.tonemap_vaapi: tonemap_vaapi
- avfilter.tpad: tpad
- avfilter.transpose: transpose
- avfilter.transpose_vaapi: transpose_vaapi
- avfilter.treble: treble
- avfilter.tremolo: tremolo
- avfilter.unsharp: unsharp
- avfilter.untile: untile
- avfilter.uspp: uspp
- avfilter.v360: v360
- avfilter.vaguedenoiser: vaguedenoiser
- avfilter.vectorscope: vectorscope
- avfilter.vflip: vflip
- avfilter.vibrance: vibrance
- avfilter.vibrato: vibrato
- avfilter.vignette: vignette
- avfilter.virtualbass: virtualbass
- avfilter.vmafmotion: vmafmotion
- avfilter.volume: volume
- avfilter.volumedetect: volumedetect
- avfilter.w3fdif: w3fdif
- avfilter.waveform: waveform
- avfilter.weave: weave
- avfilter.xbr: xbr
- avfilter.yadif: yadif
- avfilter.yaepblur: yaepblur
- avfilter.zoompan: zoompan
- avfilter.zscale: zscale
- box_blur: Box Blur
- boxblur: Box Blur (DEPRECATED)
- brightness: Brightness
- burningtv: BurningTV
- cairoblend_mode: Set Cairographics Blend Mode
- channelcopy: Copy Channels
- channelswap: Copy Channels
- charcoal: Charcoal
- choppy: Choppy
- chroma: Chroma Key
- chroma_hold: Chroma Hold
- crop: Crop
- dance: Dance
- deinterlace: Xine Deinterlacer
- deshake: Vid.Stab Deshake
- dropshadow: Drop Shadow
- dust: Dust
- dynamic_loudness: Dynamic Loudness
- dynamictext: Dynamic text
- fft: FFT
- fieldorder: Field order
- freeze: Freeze frame
- frei0r.3dflippo: 3dflippo
- frei0r.B: B
- frei0r.G: G
- frei0r.IIRblur: IIR blur
- frei0r.R: R
- frei0r.aech0r: aech0r
- frei0r.alpha0ps: alpha0ps
- frei0r.alpha0ps_alpha0ps: alpha0ps
- frei0r.alpha0ps_alphagrad: alphagrad
- frei0r.alpha0ps_alphaspot: alphaspot
- frei0r.alphagrad: alphagrad
- frei0r.alphaspot: alphaspot
- frei0r.balanc0r: White Balance
- frei0r.baltan: Baltan
- frei0r.bgsubtract0r: BgSubtract0r
- frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_cap: bigsh0t_eq_cap
- frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_mask: bigsh0t_eq_mask
- frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_rect: bigsh0t_eq_to_rect
- frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo: bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo
- frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_wrap: bigsh0t_eq_wrap
- frei0r.bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq: bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq
- frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq: bigsh0t_rect_to_eq
- frei0r.bigsh0t_stabilize_360: bigsh0t_stabilize_360
- frei0r.bigsh0t_transform_360: bigsh0t_transform_360
- frei0r.bigsh0t_zenith_correction: bigsh0t_zenith_correction
- frei0r.bluescreen0r: bluescreen0r
- frei0r.brightness: Brightness
- frei0r.bw0r: bw0r
- frei0r.c0rners: c0rners
- frei0r.cairogradient: cairogradient
- frei0r.cairoimagegrid: cairoimagegrid
- frei0r.cartoon: Cartoon
- frei0r.cluster: K-Means Clustering
- frei0r.colgate: White Balance (LMS space)
- frei0r.coloradj_RGB: coloradj_RGB
- frei0r.colordistance: Color Distance
- frei0r.colorhalftone: colorhalftone
- frei0r.colorize: colorize
- frei0r.colortap: colortap
- frei0r.contrast0r: Contrast0r
- frei0r.curves: Curves
- frei0r.d90stairsteppingfix: Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix
- frei0r.defish0r: Defish0r
- frei0r.delay0r: delay0r
- frei0r.delaygrab: Delaygrab
- frei0r.denoise_hqdn3d: hqdn3d
- frei0r.distort0r: Distort0r
- frei0r.dither: dither
- frei0r.edgeglow: Edgeglow
- frei0r.elastic_scale: Elastic scale filter
- frei0r.emboss: emboss
- frei0r.equaliz0r: Equaliz0r
- frei0r.facebl0r: FaceBl0r
- frei0r.facedetect: opencvfacedetect
- frei0r.flippo: Flippo
- frei0r.gamma: Gamma
- frei0r.glitch0r: Glitch0r
- frei0r.glow: Glow
- frei0r.hqdn3d: hqdn3d
- frei0r.hueshift0r: Hueshift0r
- frei0r.invert0r: Invert0r
- frei0r.kaleid0sc0pe: Kaleid0sc0pe
- frei0r.keyspillm0pup: keyspillm0pup
- frei0r.lenscorrection: Lens Correction
- frei0r.letterb0xed: LetterB0xed
- frei0r.levels: Levels
- frei0r.lightgraffiti: Light Graffiti
- frei0r.luminance: Luminance
- frei0r.mask0mate: Mask0Mate
- frei0r.measure_pr0be: pr0be
- frei0r.measure_pr0file: pr0file
- frei0r.medians: Medians
- frei0r.ndvi: NDVI filter
- frei0r.nervous: Nervous
- frei0r.normaliz0r: Normaliz0r
- frei0r.nosync0r: nosync0r
- frei0r.pixeliz0r: pixeliz0r
- frei0r.pixs0r: pixs0r
- frei0r.posterize: posterize
- frei0r.pr0be: pr0be
- frei0r.pr0file: pr0file
- frei0r.premultiply: Premultiply or Unpremultiply
- frei0r.primaries: primaries
- frei0r.rgbnoise: rgbnoise
- frei0r.rgbparade: RGB-Parade
- frei0r.rgbsplit0r: rgbsplit0r
- frei0r.saturat0r: Saturat0r
- frei0r.scale0tilt: Scale0Tilt
- frei0r.scanline0r: scanline0r
- frei0r.select0r: select0r
- frei0r.sharpness: Sharpness
- frei0r.sigmoidaltransfer: sigmoidaltransfer
- frei0r.sobel: Sobel
- frei0r.softglow: softglow
- frei0r.sopsat: SOP/Sat
- frei0r.spillsupress: spillsupress
- frei0r.squareblur: Squareblur
- frei0r.tehRoxx0r: TehRoxx0r
- frei0r.tehroxx0r: TehRoxx0r
- frei0r.three_point_balance: 3 point color balance
- frei0r.threelay0r: threelay0r
- frei0r.threshold0r: Threshold0r
- frei0r.timeout: Timeout indicator
- frei0r.tint0r: Tint0r
- frei0r.transparency: Transparency
- frei0r.twolay0r: Twolay0r
- frei0r.vectorscope: Vectorscope
- frei0r.vertigo: Vertigo
- frei0r.vignette: Vignette
- gamma: Gamma
- glsl.manager:
- gpsgraphic: GPS Graphic
- gpstext: GPS Text
- grain: Grain
- grayscale: Greyscale
- greyscale: Greyscale
- gtkrescale: Gtk Rescale
- imageconvert: Basic Image Converter
- invert: Invert
- jack: JACK
- jackrack: JACK
- ladspa: LADSPA
- ladspa.1041: Simple Low Pass Filter
- ladspa.1042: Simple High Pass Filter
- ladspa.1043: Simple Delay Line
- ladspa.1044: Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio)
- ladspa.1045: Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control)
- ladspa.1046: Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio)
- ladspa.1048: Mono Amplifier
- ladspa.1049: Stereo Amplifier
- ladspa.1051: Low Pass Filter (One Pole)
- ladspa.1052: High Pass Filter (One Pole)
- ladspa.1053: Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.01s)
- ladspa.1054: Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.1s)
- ladspa.1055: Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 1s)
- ladspa.1056: Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 5s)
- ladspa.1057: Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 60s)
- ladspa.1058: Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.01s)
- ladspa.1059: Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.1s)
- ladspa.1060: Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 1s)
- ladspa.1061: Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 5s)
- ladspa.1062: Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 60s)
- ladspa.1063: Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio)
- ladspa.1064: Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control)
- ladspa.1065: Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio)
- ladspa.1067: Amplifier (Mono)
- ladspa.1068: Amplifier (Stereo)
- ladspa.1070: Amplitude Modulator
- ladspa.1071: Mixer (Stereo to Mono)
- ladspa.1072: Simple Compressor (Peak Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1073: Simple Compressor (RMS Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1074: Simple Expander (Peak Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1075: Simple Expander (RMS Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1076: Simple Limiter (Peak Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1077: Simple Limiter (RMS Envelope Tracking)
- ladspa.1087: Ambisonic Encoder (B-Format)
- ladspa.1088: Ambisonic Encoder (FMH-Format)
- ladspa.1089: FMH-Format to B-Format (Discards RSTUV Channels)
- ladspa.1090: Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Stereo)
- ladspa.1091: Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Quad)
- ladspa.1092: Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Cube)
- ladspa.1093: Ambisonic Decoder (FMH-Format to Octagon)
- ladspa.1094: Ambisonic Rotation (B-Format, Horizontal)
- ladspa.1095: Ambisonic Rotation (FMH-Format, Horizontal)
- ladspa.1096: Granular Scatter Processor
- ladspa.1097: Wave Shaper (Sine-Based)
- ladspa.1098: Identity (Audio)
- ladspa.1123: Freeverb (Version 3)
- ladspa.1181: Simple amplifier
- ladspa.1185: Diode Processor
- ladspa.1186: Audio Divider (Suboctave Generator)
- ladspa.1187: Wave shaper
- ladspa.1188: Ringmod with two inputs
- ladspa.1189: Ringmod with LFO
- ladspa.1190: Comb Filter
- ladspa.1191: Flanger
- ladspa.1192: Fractionally Addressed Delay Line
- ladspa.1193: Pitch Scaler
- ladspa.1194: Higher Quality Pitch Scaler
- ladspa.1195: Declipper
- ladspa.1196: Fast overdrive
- ladspa.1197: Multiband EQ
- ladspa.1198: Sinus wavewrapper
- ladspa.1199: Impulse convolver
- ladspa.1200: Hermes Filter
- ladspa.1201: Multivoice Chorus
- ladspa.1202: Decimator
- ladspa.1203: Single band parametric
- ladspa.1204: Triple band parametric with shelves
- ladspa.1206: Transient mangler
- ladspa.1207: DC Offset Remover
- ladspa.1208: Retro Flanger
- ladspa.1209: Valve saturation
- ladspa.1210: Signal sifter
- ladspa.1211: Tape Delay Simulation
- ladspa.1212: Step Demuxer
- ladspa.1213: Foldover distortion
- ladspa.1214: State Variable Filter
- ladspa.1215: GSM simulator
- ladspa.1216: GVerb
- ladspa.1217: LFO Phaser
- ladspa.1218: 4 x 4 pole allpass
- ladspa.1219: Auto phaser
- ladspa.1220: Harmonic generator
- ladspa.1224: VCF 303
- ladspa.1225: Canyon Delay
- ladspa.1227: Lo Fi
- ladspa.1337: Vocoder
- ladspa.1401: Surround matrix encoder
- ladspa.1402: Delayorama
- ladspa.1403: Dyson compressor
- ladspa.1404: Crossover distortion
- ladspa.1405: Valve rectifier
- ladspa.1406: Mono to Stereo splitter
- ladspa.1407: Aliasing
- ladspa.1408: Barry’s Satan Maximiser
- ladspa.1409: Karaoke
- ladspa.1410: Gate
- ladspa.1411: Comb Splitter
- ladspa.1412: Wave Terrain Oscillator
- ladspa.1413: Hard Limiter
- ladspa.1414: Smooth Decimator
- ladspa.1415: FM Oscillator
- ladspa.1417: Rate shifter
- ladspa.1418: Frequency tracker
- ladspa.1419: Modulatable delay
- ladspa.1420: Matrix: Stereo to MS
- ladspa.1421: Matrix: MS to Stereo
- ladspa.1422: Matrix Spatialiser
- ladspa.1423: Plate reverb
- ladspa.1424: Gong model
- ladspa.1425: SC1
- ladspa.1426: SC2
- ladspa.1427: SC3
- ladspa.1428: z-1
- ladspa.1429: Inverter
- ladspa.1430: Chebyshev distortion
- ladspa.1431: Bode frequency shifter
- ladspa.1432: Bode frequency shifter (CV)
- ladspa.1433: AM pitchshifter
- ladspa.1436: L/C/R Delay
- ladspa.1437: Giant flange
- ladspa.1438: DJ flanger
- ladspa.1439: Gong beater
- ladspa.1440: Hilbert transformer
- ladspa.1605: Reverse Delay (5s max)
- ladspa.1641: Bandlimited Sawtooth Oscillator (FA)
- ladspa.1643: Bandlimited Square Oscillator (FA)
- ladspa.1645: Bandlimited Variable Width Pulse Oscillator (FAPA)
- ladspa.1646: Bandlimited Variable Width Pulse Oscillator (FAPC)
- ladspa.1647: Bandlimited Variable Width Pulse Oscillator (FCPA)
- ladspa.1649: Bandlimited Variable Slope Triangle Oscillator (FASA)
- ladspa.1650: Bandlimited Variable Slope Triangle Oscillator (FASC)
- ladspa.1651: Bandlimited Variable Slope Triangle Oscillator (FCSA)
- ladspa.1653: ADSR Envelope
- ladspa.1654: Amplifier (GAIA)
- ladspa.1655: Amplifier (GCIA)
- ladspa.1656: Frequency Modulator (FAMA)
- ladspa.1657: Frequency Modulator (FAMC)
- ladspa.1658: Frequency Modulator (FCMA)
- ladspa.1661: Random Wave Generator (FASA)
- ladspa.1662: Random Wave Generator (FASC)
- ladspa.1663: Random Wave Generator (FCSA)
- ladspa.1665: Signal Sum (IAIA)
- ladspa.1666: Signal Sum (IAIC)
- ladspa.1668: Signal Product (IAIA)
- ladspa.1669: Signal Product (IAIC)
- ladspa.1671: 4 Pole Low-Pass Filter with Resonance (FARAIA)
- ladspa.1672: 4 Pole Low-Pass Filter with Resonance (FCRCIA)
- ladspa.1673: Signal Branch (IA)
- ladspa.1675: Analogue Style 64 Step Sequencer
- ladspa.1676: Analogue Style 32 Step Sequencer
- ladspa.1677: Analogue Style 16 Step Sequencer
- ladspa.1678: Clock Oscillator with Gate (FAGA)
- ladspa.1679: Clock Oscillator with Gate (FCGA)
- ladspa.1680: ADSR Envelope with Gate and Trigger
- ladspa.1767: C* ChorusI - Mono chorus/flanger
- ladspa.1771: C* Saturate - Various static nonlinearities, 8x oversampled
- ladspa.1772: C* Compress - Compressor and saturating limiter
- ladspa.1773: C* Eq10 - 10-band equaliser
- ladspa.1779: C* Plate - Versatile plate reverb
- ladspa.1788: C* Wider - Stereo image synthesis
- ladspa.1795: C* PlateX2 - Versatile plate reverb, stereo inputs
- ladspa.1845: Hard Gate
- ladspa.1846: Disintegrator
- ladspa.1848: Dynamic Sledgehammer
- ladspa.1882: SC4
- ladspa.1883: SE4
- ladspa.1886: Exponential signal decay
- ladspa.1887: Comb delay line, linear interpolation
- ladspa.1888: Comb delay line, cubic spline interpolation
- ladspa.1889: Comb delay line, noninterpolating
- ladspa.1890: Glame Highpass Filter
- ladspa.1891: Glame Lowpass Filter
- ladspa.1892: Glame Bandpass Filter
- ladspa.1893: Glame Bandpass Analog Filter
- ladspa.1894: Mag’s Notch Filter
- ladspa.1895: Allpass delay line, noninterpolating
- ladspa.1896: Allpass delay line, linear interpolation
- ladspa.1897: Allpass delay line, cubic spline interpolation
- ladspa.1898: Simple delay line, noninterpolating
- ladspa.1899: Simple delay line, linear interpolation
- ladspa.1900: Simple delay line, cubic spline interpolation
- ladspa.1901: DJ EQ
- ladspa.1902: Glame Butterworth X-over Filter
- ladspa.1903: GLAME Butterworth Lowpass
- ladspa.1904: GLAME Butterworth Highpass
- ladspa.1905: VyNil (Vinyl Effect)
- ladspa.1907: DJ EQ (mono)
- ladspa.1908: LS Filter
- ladspa.1909: Constant Signal Generator
- ladspa.1910: Pointer cast distortion
- ladspa.1913: Fast Lookahead limiter
- ladspa.1914: Artificial latency
- ladspa.1915: Crossfade
- ladspa.1916: SC4 mono
- ladspa.1917: Crossfade (4 outs)
- ladspa.1941: Mvclpf-1 Digital implementation of the VC filter invented by R.A.Moog
- ladspa.1942: Mvclpf-2 Digital implementation of the VC filter invented by R.A.Moog
- ladspa.1943: Mvclpf-3 Digital implementation of the VC filter invented by R.A.Moog
- ladspa.1944: Chorus1 - Based on CSound orchestra by Sean Costello
- ladspa.1945: Chorus2 - Based on CSound orchestra by Sean Costello
- ladspa.1946: Phaser1 - Similar to CSound’s phaser1 by Sean Costello
- ladspa.1947: Phaser1 with LFO
- ladspa.1948: Mvclpf-4 Digital implementation of the VC filter invented by R.A.Moog
- ladspa.1949: Auto Wah
- ladspa.1951: Triple chorus
- ladspa.1952: Pulse-VCO – Anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.1953: Saw-VCO – Anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.1954: Rec-VCO – Anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.1955: Stereo width
- ladspa.1956: Stereo balance and panner
- ladspa.1957: UHJ Encoder
- ladspa.1958: UHJ Decoder
- ladspa.1960: Mvchpf-1 Digital implementation of the VC HP filter invented by R.A. Moog
- ladspa.1961: Three cardioids to AMB matrix
- ladspa.1962: Virtual stereo microphone
- ladspa.1963: AMB order 3,1 panner
- ladspa.1964: AMB order 3,1 rotator
- ladspa.1965: AMB order 3,3 panner
- ladspa.1966: AMB order 3,3 rotator
- ladspa.1967: AMB order 2,2 panner
- ladspa.1968: AMB order 2,2 rotator
- ladspa.1970: 4-band parametric filter
- ladspa.1973: AMB order 1,1 mono panner
- ladspa.1974: AMB order 1,1 stereo panner
- ladspa.1975: AMB order 1,1 rotator
- ladspa.1976: AMB order 1,1 square decoder
- ladspa.1977: AMB order 1,1 hexagon decoder
- ladspa.1978: AMB order 1,1 cube decoder
- ladspa.1979: AMB order 2,1 panner
- ladspa.1980: AMB order 2,1 rotator
- ladspa.2021: DAHDSR Envelope with Gate and Trigger (Audio-Rate Inputs)
- ladspa.2022: DAHDSR Envelope with Gate and Trigger (Control Inputs)
- ladspa.2023: Clock Pulse Oscillator with Gate (FAPAGA)
- ladspa.2024: Clock Pulse Oscillator with Gate (FCPCGA)
- ladspa.2025: Signal Tracker (Audio Rates)
- ladspa.2026: Signal Tracker (Control Rates)
- ladspa.2027: Quantiser (20 Steps)
- ladspa.2028: Quantiser (50 Steps)
- ladspa.2029: Quantiser (100 Steps)
- ladspa.2030: Signal Difference (IAMA)
- ladspa.2031: Signal Difference (IAMC)
- ladspa.2032: Signal Difference (ICMA)
- ladspa.2034: Signal Ratio (NADA)
- ladspa.2035: Signal Ratio (NADC)
- ladspa.2036: Signal Ratio (NCDA)
- ladspa.2141: TAP Equalizer
- ladspa.2142: TAP Reverberator
- ladspa.2143: TAP Stereo Echo
- ladspa.2144: TAP Tremolo
- ladspa.2145: TAP Scaling Limiter
- ladspa.2146: TAP AutoPanner
- ladspa.2147: TAP DeEsser
- ladspa.2148: TAP Vibrato
- ladspa.2149: TAP Rotary Speaker
- ladspa.2150: TAP Pitch Shifter
- ladspa.2151: TAP Equalizer/BW
- ladspa.2152: TAP Dynamics (M)
- ladspa.2153: TAP Dynamics (St)
- ladspa.2154: TAP Reflector
- ladspa.2155: TAP Pink/Fractal Noise
- ladspa.2156: TAP Fractal Doubler
- ladspa.2157: TAP Sigmoid Booster
- ladspa.2158: TAP TubeWarmth
- ladspa.2159: TAP Chorus/Flanger
- ladspa.2184: Sync-Saw-VCO – Hard-sync-capable anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.2185: Sync-Rect-VCO – Hard-sync-capable anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.2186: Sync-Tri-VCO – Hard-sync-capable anti-aliased oscillator
- ladspa.2586: C* PhaserII - Mono phaser
- ladspa.2588: C* Scape - Stereo delay with chromatic resonances
- ladspa.2589: C* ToneStack - Classic amplifier tone stack emulation
- ladspa.2592: C* AmpVTS - Idealised guitar amplification
- ladspa.2593: C* AutoFilter - Self-modulating resonant filter
- ladspa.2594: C* Eq10X2 - Stereo 10-band equaliser
- ladspa.2595: C* Narrower - Stereo image width reduction
- ladspa.2598: C* CompressX2 - Stereo compressor and saturating limiter
- ladspa.2601: C* CabinetIII - Simplistic loudspeaker cabinet emulation
- ladspa.2602: C* Noisegate - Attenuating hum and noise
- ladspa.2603: C* Spice - Not an exciter
- ladspa.2606: C* CabinetIV - Idealised loudspeaker cabinet
- ladspa.2607: C* SpiceX2 - Not an exciter either
- ladspa.2608: C* Eq4p - 4-band parametric shelving equaliser
- ladspa.2609: C* EqFA4p - 4-band parametric eq
- ladspa.3301: :: Invada :: Input Module
- ladspa.3302: :: Invada :: Filter - Low Pass Mono
- ladspa.3303: :: Invada :: Filter - High Pass Mono
- ladspa.3304: :: Invada :: Filter - Low Pass Stereo
- ladspa.3305: :: Invada :: Filter - High Pass Stereo
- ladspa.3306: :: Invada :: Tube - Mono
- ladspa.3307: :: Invada :: Tube - Stereo
- ladspa.3308: :: Invada :: Compressor - Mono
- ladspa.3309: :: Invada :: Compressor - Stereo
- ladspa.3311: :: Invada :: ER Reverb - Mono In
- ladspa.3312: :: Invada :: ER Reverb - Sum L+R In
- ladspa.33917: Calf Flanger LADSPA
- ladspa.33918: Calf Reverb LADSPA
- ladspa.33919: Calf Filter LADSPA
- ladspa.33922: Calf Vintage Delay LADSPA
- ladspa.33923: Calf Rotary Speaker LADSPA
- ladspa.33924: Calf Phaser LADSPA
- ladspa.33951: Calf Filterclavier LADSPA
- ladspa.34049: Calf MultiChorus LADSPA
- ladspa.34050: Calf Compressor LADSPA
- ladspa.34051: Calf Gate LADSPA
- ladspa.34052: Calf Sidechain Gate LADSPA
- ladspa.34053: Calf Multiband Gate LADSPA
- ladspa.34065: Calf Equalizer 5 Band LADSPA
- ladspa.34066: Calf Equalizer 8 Band LADSPA
- ladspa.34067: Calf Equalizer 12 Band LADSPA
- ladspa.34068: Calf Pulsator LADSPA
- ladspa.34069: Calf Deesser LADSPA
- ladspa.34070: Calf Multiband Compressor LADSPA
- ladspa.34071: Calf Sidechain Compressor LADSPA
- ladspa.34080: Calf Multiband Limiter LADSPA
- ladspa.34081: Calf Limiter LADSPA
- ladspa.34096: Calf Saturator LADSPA
- ladspa.34097: Calf Exciter LADSPA
- ladspa.34098: Calf Bass Enhancer LADSPA
- ladspa.34184: Calf Stereo Tools LADSPA
- ladspa.34185: Calf Mono Input LADSPA
- ladspa.3701: zita-reverb
- ladspa.3702: zita-reverb-amb
- ladspa.4061: guitarix_distortion
- ladspa.4062: guitarix_crybaby
- ladspa.4063: guitarix_echo
- ladspa.4064: guitarix_freeverb
- ladspa.4065: guitarix_IR
- ladspa.4066: guitarix_amp
- ladspa.4067: guitarix_compressor
- ladspa.4068: guitarix
- ladspa.4221: Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural 0.9.1 (3.1.0)
- lift_gamma_gain: Lift, Gamma, and Gain
- lightshow: Light Show
- lines: Scratchlines
- loudness: Loudness
- loudness_meter: Loudness Meter
- luma: Wipe
- lumakey: Lumakey
- lumaliftgaingamma: LumaLiftGainGamma
- mask_apply: Apply a filter mask
- mask_start: Setup a filter mask
- mirror: Mirror
- mono: Mixdown
- movit.blur: Blur (GLSL)
- movit.convert: Image Converter (GLSL)
- movit.crop: Crop (GLSL)
- movit.diffusion: Diffusion (GLSL)
- movit.flip: Flip (GLSL)
- movit.glow: Glow (GLSL)
- movit.lift_gamma_gain: Lift, Gamma, and Gain (GLSL)
- movit.mirror: Mirror (GLSL)
- movit.opacity: Opacity (GLSL)
- movit.rect: Position and Size (GLSL)
- movit.resample: Image Scaler (GLSL)
- movit.resize: Image Padding (GLSL)
- movit.saturation: Saturation (GLSL)
- movit.sharpen: Deconvolution Sharpen (GLSL)
- movit.vignette: Vignette (GLSL)
- movit.white_balance: White Balance (GLSL)
- obscure: Obscure
- oldfilm: Oldfilm
- opencv.tracker: OpenCV Motion Tracker
- panner: Audio Pan
- pillar_echo: Pillar Echo
- qtblend: Composite and transform
- qtcrop: Crop by padding
- qtext: QText
- rbpitch: Rubberband Pitch
- resample: SRC Audio Resampler
- rescale: Rescale
- resize: Pad
- rgblut: RGBLUT
- rotoscoping: Rotoscoping
- sepia: Sepia
- shape: Shape Alpha
- sox: SoX
- sox.allpass: allpass
- sox.band: band
- sox.bandpass: bandpass
- sox.bandreject: bandreject
- sox.bass: bass
- sox.bend: bend
- sox.biquad: biquad
- sox.channels: channels
- sox.chorus: chorus
- sox.compand: compand
- sox.contrast: contrast
- sox.dcshift: dcshift
- sox.deemph: deemph
- sox.delay: delay
- sox.dither: dither
- sox.divide: divide
- sox.downsample: downsample
- sox.earwax: earwax
- sox.echo: echo
- sox.echos: echos
- sox.equalizer: equalizer
- sox.fade: fade
- sox.fir: fir
- sox.firfit: firfit
- sox.flanger: flanger
- sox.gain: gain
- sox.highpass: highpass
- sox.hilbert: hilbert
- sox.ladspa: ladspa
- sox.loudness: loudness
- sox.lowpass: lowpass
- sox.mcompand: mcompand
- sox.noiseprof: noiseprof
- sox.noisered: noisered
- sox.norm: norm
- sox.oops: oops
- sox.overdrive: overdrive
- sox.pad: pad
- sox.phaser: phaser
- sox.pitch: pitch
- sox.rate: rate
- sox.remix: remix
- sox.repeat: repeat
- sox.reverb: reverb
- sox.reverse: reverse
- sox.riaa: riaa
- sox.silence: silence
- sox.sinc: sinc
- sox.spectrogram: spectrogram
- sox.speed: speed
- sox.splice: splice
- sox.stat: stat
- sox.stats: stats
- sox.stretch: stretch
- sox.swap: swap
- sox.synth: synth
- sox.tempo: tempo
- sox.treble: treble
- sox.tremolo: tremolo
- sox.trim: trim
- sox.upsample: upsample
- sox.vad: vad
- sox.vol: vol
- spot_remover: Spot Remover
- strobe: Alpha strobing
- subtitle: Subtitle
- subtitle_feed: Subtitle
- swresample: FFmpeg Audio Resampler
- swscale: FFmpeg Image Scaler
- tcolor: Technicolor
- telecide: Inverse Telecine (DEPRECATED)
- text: Text
- threshold: Threshold
- timer: Timer
- transition: Transition as Filter (DEPRECATED)
- typewriter: TypeWriter
- vidstab: Vid.Stab Detect and Transform
- vignette: Vignette Effect
- volume: Volume
- watermark: Overlay
- wave: Wave